Sewing Goals – Range Backpack

Sewing Goals – Range Backpack from Noodlehead

I want to share with you a sewing goal. We all have them. You know, those patterns or fabric we buy with a purpose. The one designated for a particular project that for some reason never happens. In knitting we call it a UFO, unfinished Object. A project that was started but set aside for some reason. What is it called when it isn’t even started. I want to make this project and bought the fabric to make this project. I’m going to call it a sewing goal.

But why haven’t I started? I was afraid to start the Range Backpack. Not because the pack is complex. I’ve made more difficult bags. The fabric I chose is a bit slick. Would I be able to make it in this fabric? Would this fabric work? The idea of NOT succeeding held me back. I know, this is a metaphor for life too…

So here I am declaring my intention to you all. I’ll be honest with you… I broke out that fabric yesterday to tackle that fear. It’s not too slick to work with. I made a cinch sack for my tent and tent stakes with great success. There is no reason for me to hold back on the backpack. I can make that! And I can make it in these cool outdoor fabrics from Seattle Fabrics.

Cinch sack for my tent


Ok! I’m going to do it. My goal is right here in public in the hopes that writing it down or saying it out loud will somehow hold me accountable and do it. I’m a great procrastinator. There are many more patterns in my sewing room that are sewing goals. I’ll share them another day… If I feel like it. Lol!!!

Happy sewing!
